Nákladné vozidlá na diaľnice

Nákladné vozidlá na diaľnice

Medziregionálne nákladné vozidlá

Medziregionálne nákladné vozidlá

Versatile Fuel Efficiency

Pneumatika pre hnanú nápravu, ktorá ponúka dispečerom vozových parkov viac možností na viacerých trasách. Ponúka úsporu paliva pre širšie použitie, vrátane diaľnic a ciest 1. a 2. triedy.

  • Vhodné pre diaľnice a cesty 1. alebo 2. triedy
  • Navrhnutá na zníženie nákladov na palivo
  • Pomáha znížiť emisie CO2
Môžeme vám nejako pomôcť?

Be more sustainable while saving money


The FUELMAX D ENDURANCE brings fuel efficiency to more roads than ever. Now you're saving fuel and reducing emissions not just on motorways but even on A and B roads.

A word from the Goodyear expert 


The FUELMAX D ENDURANCE is the fuel-efficient tyre designed to be used also on A and B roads, not just on motorways. Now you can offer sustainable transport to more of your customers, for more of your routes - which can make the difference.

Be more sustainable while saving money

The FUELMAX D ENDURANCE brings fuel efficiency to more roads than ever. Now you're saving fuel and reducing emissions not just on motorways but even on A and B roads.


1. Fuel saving, high abrasion resistant tread compound; low rolling resistant sidewall compound

Low hysteresis tread compound with extended curing process ensures cool running capabilities to reduce heat build-up and energy loss. The sidewall compound compensates for energy losses caused by the increased traction and wear capabilities

> Low rolling resistance combined with improved treadwear resistance for high mileage potential


2. 6-rib directional tread design; stiffeners in shoulder ribs

The directional design improves traction, water drainage and self-cleaning capabilities.Shoulder stiffeners stabilize the blocks and increase lateral stability.

> High traction; 

>even wear and footprint pressure distribution

>increased damage resistance and mileage potential on motorways and A or B roads


3.  High number of deep sipes; deep centre grooves with tie bars and improved ball bottom shape; wide shoulder grooves and radial sipes in shoulder blocks

The various sipes and grooves create an increased number of biting edges. Ball bottom grooves open when worn and create new tractive structures for late-life grip.

> High traction on all roads and in all weather conditions;

> All-season use (3PMSF on all sizes)


4. Fully regroovable and retreadable; available as premium TreadMax moldcure retread

Regrooving increases the tyre’s lifespan at limited extra costs and with low rolling resistance. TreadMax Retreading saves resources and energy compared to new tyre and provides the same performance at a much lower price.

> Sustainability (using less resources / enabeling multiple tyre lives);

>CO2 and cost saving

Rozmery pneumatík

Rozmer Menovitý index nosnosti Menovitý rýchlostný index Index nosnosti 2 Rýchlostný index 2 Úspora paliva Priľnavosť za mokra Hlučnosť Zimné 3PMSF Označenie pneumatík EÚ
295/55R22.5 147 / 145 K - - B C A - 73dB
295/60R22.5 150 / 147 K 149 / 146 L B B B - 74dB
315/60R22.5 152 / 148 L - - B B B - 75dB

Odporúčania ohľadom prerezávania


Všetky nákladné pneumatiky Goodyear sú protektorovateľné aj prerezateľné a boli vyvinuté pre optimalizovanú udržateľnosť, čo umožňuje vozovým parkom čo najlepšie využiť ich pneumatiky a podstatne znížiť svoje náklady na kilometer a svoju ekologickú stopu.

Súvisiace pneumatiky

Vyplňte parametre použitia pneumatík